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模型 BM-K1 从 iBeLink 矿业 Kadena algorithm with a maximum hash rate of 5.3Th/s 对于功耗 835W.


制造商 iBeLink
模型 BM-K1
发布 November 2020
尺寸 155 x 240 x 319mm
重量 10800g
Chip boards 4
筹码数 120
噪音水平 74db
风扇 2
力量 835W
Voltage 12V
界面 以太网
温度 5 – 35 °C
Humidity 5 – 95 %
Additionnal infos Blake (2s-kadena) algorithm

Review of the iBeLink BM-K1

The IBelink BM-K1 is one of the most profitable miners on the market, and it is made by IBelink. The Kadena Algorithm is used to mine Kadena coins by the mining device. It has a hash rate of 5.3th/s and consumes approximately 845W of electricity. This was made with low power usage in order to lower the miners’ production costs.

It was introduced in November 2020 and weighed 6600 grams. It has a noise level of 72db, which is quite high. This noise level is responsible for any noise pollution generated by the device while it is in use. There are two fans included with the gadget. The heat dissipation is handled by these fans. With the help of the two fabs, the heat created by the mining device during mining is dispersed from the device. By decreasing the device’s power usage and hash rate, the iBelink firm made it more appealing to miners. This has had no effect on the device’s profitability, and it is thus profitable to mine the Kadena coin with it.

Order iBeLink BM-K1 from China

In contrast to other mining devices on the market, this one comes with a high voltage. It operates between 190 and 240 volts. As the connecting interface, it uses an Ethernet connection. It can work in a temperature range of 5 to 40 degrees Celsius. When the humidity level is between 5 and 95 percent, the device will work. The manufacturer considers the device’s efficiency when designing it.

This device operates at an efficiency of 0.156j/Gh. This has led to the mining device’s great profitability. As a result of its efficiency, the mining gadget has increased its profitability. The device’s efficiency is an added benefit.


  • 所有订单将按订单交货批次发货。机器将在交货日期后 48 小时内从我们的深圳仓库发货,如果是批量订单,我们可能需要一两天的时间通过(DHL Express/UPS/ARAMEX/TNT)在订单全额付款后发货已验证(通过电汇付款(T/T 需要 3-7 个工作日,通过 CryptoCurrency 支付网关需要几个小时或最多 1 个工作日来验证交易)。

    国际递送通常需要大约 5-8 个工作日。 DDP 运输方式需要 8 -10 天



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