Next-generation consoles vs gaming PCs

Next-generation consoles vs gaming PCs

Next-generation consoles vs gaming PCs

Next-generation consoles vs gaming PCs, The issue between gaming PCs and next-gen consoles has resurfaced in the last decade, as Sony and Microsoft’s current systems incorporate higher-end technology that can play many of the same titles as a premium gaming PC.

Both the Playstation 5 and the Xbox Series X|S have essentially identical AMD CPU/GPU combinations, with just minor performance differences. It also helps that Microsoft’s current ecosystem supports gaming on both PCs and the Xbox Series family of consoles, blurring the barrier between consoles and PCs even further. Simply simply, gaming has never been more accessible.

It makes sense, given mobile gaming’s over 50% market share and the gradual ascent of video game streaming. According to a recent study, consoles account for roughly 30% of the gaming industry market share, while PC gaming accounts for about 25%.

Though the distinction between gaming on a PS5, Xbox Series X|S, or the finest gaming PC is blurring, gamers still select sides for valid reasons.

PC Gaming vs Next Gen Consoles, Which One Is Better?

Making that decision is more difficult now, as the globe confronts a chip scarcity that will likely endure until 2024, but potential purchasers who have the option to update or switch platforms should think about a few factors.

The first thing people should think about is the cost of entry. Consoles are often less expensive than even the most basic gaming PCs, and they come with everything you need to get started. The PS5 is available in two versions: a conventional disc version for $499 and a digital-only version for $399.

Microsoft has taken a different approach with the Xbox Series X|S variations. The Xbox Series X, which costs $499, has characteristics that are more equivalent to the PS5, although the Series S is less powerful and lacks a disc drive.

The chip scarcity has spawned a secondary market for these consoles, with prices typically exceeding 50% of MSRP. Even at the outrageous rates paid by eBay profiteers, these consoles are still less expensive than creating a gaming PC with equivalent specs.

Next Gen Consoles vs PC Gaming analysis

Building a PC with next-generation features like the finest CPUs, graphics cards, and SSDs will be expensive. That’s not even taking into account all the other accessories you’ll need, such as a gaming mouse and a gaming headset.

When it comes to gaming PCs, the AMD Zen 2 CPU included in both next-gen consoles costs roughly $300, while the AMD RDNA 2-based GPU is over $500. PC gaming has also been plagued by price gouging due to chip shortages, so component costs are still quite expensive, and that’s before you include in the cost of the chassis, electricity, cooling, and the Windows 11 license.

Those who pursue the prebuilt way will probably do better, but achieving anything close to the performance capabilities of next-gen consoles will still cost a lot more than buying a console (assuming you can find one).

Gaming MacBook or iMac from Apple

As much as we’d want to see an Apple gaming MacBook or iMac someday, gaming PCs remain a Windows-only affair, and the OS can perform a wide range of non-gaming jobs.

Your next-gen console won’t be able to run powerful picture and video editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere, and anybody who has tried to enter a password using a console’s virtual keyboard knows that word processing and spreadsheets are out. Even auxiliary gaming features like modding and broadcasting are significantly improved on PC.

A custom-built Gaming PC, on the other hand, offers a more customized experience. Making a rig is also influenced by the games you intend to play. A gaming setup built for competitive Fortnite or Rocket League will be different (and less expensive) than one built to play Cyberpunk 2077 at 4K with maximum settings and ray tracing. Keep in mind that because of the wide range of PC configurations, games are often under-optimized, and debugging can be difficult.